This cycle is about solar flashing thermal power for absorption refrigeration cycle. The solar part is constructed based on Flat Plate Collector FPC with water working fluid. Flash cyclone
tank is working as a steam generator unit. The absortion cycle contains generator, condenser, evaporator, and absorber. The model is constructed based on design considerations in order to calculate some issues such as:
2-Thermal loads.
3-Mass flow rates.
4-Cost and Exergy analysis.
5-Water thermophysical prop's.
The cycle is modified to calculate the air conditioning mass flow rate based on the loads. Fan power is also calculated. User can control the inlet and outlet air conditions based on his design limits.
**MatLab-SimuLink should be used to run the model.
Copyright © 2007 by Mohamed A. Sharaf Eldean Ayoub
All rights reserved.
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REDS Software Library
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
All Rights Reserved
Solar FPC Flash Absorption (H2O-LiBr) for Air Conditioning
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